Travi Tour Guide



Travi Hero



Travi Tour Guide is a comprehensive web application built using the MERN Stack, designed to streamline the process of booking and purchasing travel guides. This platform caters to three types of users: regular users, guides, and administrators, each with specific roles and functionalities.



  • Explore Travel Packages: Browse through various travel packages available on the platform.
  • Book or Purchase Travel Guides: Easily book or purchase travel guides for trips.
  • User Dashboard: Manage profiles, update bookings, and track requests.
  • Profile Management: Update profiles and request to become a guide.


  • Manage Tours: Access a dashboard to view users who have booked their services.
  • Accept or Cancel Tours: Accept or cancel tour bookings through the dashboard.


  • User Management: Promote users to admin or guide roles.
  • Package Management: Add new travel and tour packages to the platform.
  • Role Assignment: Assign roles to users for smooth operations and management.

Authentication and Security

  • Firebase Authentication: Secure and reliable user authentication.
  • JWT (JSON Web Tokens): Secure API endpoints, ensuring safe communication between client and server.

Responsive Design

  • Fully responsive, providing a seamless experience across all devices.

Technologies Used

  • MongoDB: A NoSQL database for storing user data, travel packages, and bookings.
  • Express.js: A web framework for building the backend API.
  • React.js: A JavaScript library for building the user interface.
  • Node.js: A runtime environment for executing JavaScript code on the server.
  • Firebase: For user authentication and real-time database functionalities.
  • JWT: Ensures secure communication between client and server.

Check out Travi Tour Guide and explore a seamless travel booking experience!