


Keeper App Image



Keeper is a note-taking application designed to make it easy for you to add personal or any kind of notes.

Tech Stack

I used the MERN Stack as the development stack for this project, which includes:

Front-End: React.js

  • React.js: Known for its dynamic and powerful capabilities, React.js delivers an interactive user interface for this project, ensuring a smooth and responsive experience.

Back-End: Node.js and Express.js

  • Node.js: A JavaScript runtime that is ideal for building full-stack JavaScript applications. The server for Keeper is built using Node.js, ensuring fast and efficient performance.
  • Express.js: This framework is utilized to rapidly develop the Node.js server, providing robust API endpoints and handling server-side logic.

Database: MongoDB

  • MongoDB: A NoSQL database was chosen for its seamless integration with JavaScript applications, offering flexible and scalable data storage solutions.

Key Features

  • Note Management: Easily add, update, and delete your notes, ensuring all your important information is just a click away.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The intuitive design ensures a pleasant user experience.

Please visit and try out this wonderful project. I hope you find it beneficial, and I would be delighted to receive any feedback.