Travel Agency



Travel Agency Hero



In this project, I used the MERN Stack as my development stack to create a robust and interactive web application named Travi Tour Guide.

Front-End: React.js

React.js delivers a dynamic and interactive interface, allowing users to browse destinations and view tourist spots seamlessly. The single-page application architecture ensures a fluid and responsive user experience, whether accessed from a desktop or mobile device.

Back-End: Node.js

Powered by Node.js on the server side, this web app offers real-time updates and seamless integration, enhancing the overall performance and user experience.

Database: MongoDB

To efficiently load data on this application, I used MongoDB as the database. This ensures fast data retrieval, providing users with a smooth and quick browsing experience.

Authentication: Firebase

Google's Firebase Authentication system is implemented for user authentication, enabling users to authenticate themselves easily and securely. This ensures a faster and more reliable authentication process.

Key Features of Travi Tour Guide:

  • Explore Tourist Spots: Users can explore tourist spots in the Southeast Asia region, providing a comprehensive guide for their travels.
  • Manage Favorites: Users can add, update, and delete their favorite tourist spots in the Southeast Asia region, allowing for personalized travel planning.

With these features and technologies, Travi Tour Guide offers a user-friendly and efficient platform for booking and managing travel guides, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience for all users.